All of my fujaras are made so you have to interfere with the structure as little as possible, so the maintenance of the fujara is very simple.
Maintenance of the supply tube – smaller tube the one you blow air in
- On the bottom part of the tube, there is located a cork plug which can be taken out. After each session I recommend you take the cork out and let the tube dry out (Fig. 1).
- You can put in the tube a piece of paper towel to remove excess moisture (Fig. 2).
From the inside the tube is treated with bore oil (Fig. 3). Small bottle of bore oil is included with every fujara. Make sure you have received the oil and that it has not been lost in the packaging. You should also receive a replacement mouthpiece, cork plug and cork grease (if you have two piece fujara).
- Drip a small amount of oil around the cork and mouthpiece hole approximately 3-4 times a year and keep the supply tube protected from moisture.

Maintenance of the main tube
- On the top part of the main tube, there is a leather plug inserted into the slot. Twice a year, take out the leather piece and pour a small amount of bore oil into the slot (Fig. 4).
- Sometimes, the slot tends to catch dirt and can affect the sound of fujara. In that case it is necessary to remove the leather piece and gently clean the slot with a piece of thick paper (Fig. 5).
- After cleaning, slam the leather piece properly back.
- The main tube is treated from the inside with Hard Wax Oil. This part does not need to be treated anymore. I do not recommend any additional oiling of this tube.
Mouthpiece – after each session I recommend taking out the mouthpiece so it won't get damaged during handling or won't cause a crack on the supply tube (because of moisture) (Fig. 6, 7).

Two piece fujara
If you have two piece fujara it is important that the cork connecting the tubes is greased with cork grease. It helps in disassembling and assembling parts and extends the life of the cork joint.